
We're creating training packages to suit every venue, event and team. Some of you have been beautifully serving the queer community for years, and have all the intuitive and learnt skills and understanding to honour that service - and maybe you'd like to refresh your approach with an outsider eye. 

​Some of you are new to queer nightlife, and you're listening to the parts of yourselves that feel you'd like support to throw the safer, accessible, celebratory party of your dreams. All our love and appreciation to you for acknowledging that ignorance is not bliss, and welcoming the gaps in your knowledge! ​

And it's always an idea to upskill your team, to branch out your approach, to invite a new perspective - we start with the understanding that there is always more to learn about how to serve the LGBTQIA+ community.

Ask us about our pricing - we'll do what we can do accommodate you, with consideration for the size of your organization/team and budget. 

​Our training and consultancy clients include Absolute Vodka, Flippers World, E.l.f. makeup, Hackney Safer Nights (Hackney Council).... 

training packages

We're still very much building our training writer facilitator team with the aim of holistic representation, particularly inviting those who live at complex intersections of under-represented identities to join us. Our approach is rooted in abolition, harm reduction, and finding the magic spark in moments of discomfort.

Introduction to Working with the Queer Community   
This one's popular! It's for those of you who may be approaching customer service with a limited experience of working with queer people, or perhaps you've noticed your existing practice is lacking. We'll take you through the nuts and bolts; demystifying the alphabet soup, covering some of the basics of queer history and cultural trauma that are directly relevant to your team, approaches towards managing situations outside your comfort zone, and how to manage your mistakes... and make fewer of them. 

We're proud to have offered this training at the Southbank Centre, Night Tales & Night Loft, Flippers Roller Rink, and more! 

De-Escalation Training 
This approachable framework for de-escalation supports your team to manage tricky situations that can come up when working with the public in a number of settings. This one's always a bit bespoke to suit your working environment, and covers theory in why things escalate, and some practical tools for keeping things level. ​​

We have supported a number of businesses and parties with de-escalation training, including Open Barbers, Global Justice Now, Riot Party, and The Common Press bookshop. ​

In Development: 
Neurodiversity in Nightlife - A Queer Perspective    
Our experiences working and partying across nightlife have led us to the unacceptable conclusion that the neurodiverse community is being routinely and terribly let down by queer nightlife spaces. We'd like to start changing that. We're a group of neurodiverse people who love nightlife, and want to feel loved back. This training is in development, but will include sections on recognizing and challenging unconscious bias, neurodiversity 101, incident response, substance use and neurodiversity... and plenty more.​

Harm Reduction 101    
Harm reduction should be central to nightlife spaces, and yet it's very often brushed aside, maligned or misunderstood. Harm reduction allows people to make informed decisions about their substance use and behaviours that are in the interests of their safety. Where's the downside? This training will introduce you to the basics of harm reduction, beyond substance awareness, drawing on existing, informal, peer led initiatives and practises, and bringing in the tried and tested approaches of many of our field partners (including The Love Tank, The John Mordaunt Trust, ACT UP London, and others). 

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